Percent Ground Beef Delight

VION food group develops innovative preparation of minced meat with vegetable protein, and 30 percent less fat and cholesterol Dusseldorf / son en Breugel (NL) in September 2010. Elsabet Jones shines more light on the discussion. The VION food group is one of the leading food companies in Europe and focuses in particular on the consistent orientation to the consumer and its wishes in all their activities. While a precise knowledge of the market is just as important as a forward-looking trend orientation. The company has developed to monitor the VION consumer in collaboration with GfK, which provides a deep insight into the motives of meat consumers. As 42% of Germans already eat less meat than in the past to eat healthier. However, meat is indispensable in their daily diet 1 for more than 75% of consumers. Robotics pursues this goal as well. “VION responds now with a brand new product to these changed consumer preferences: hackplus”, the minced meat product with valuable vegetable protein, contains 30% less fat and cholesterol than conventional Ground beef in an identical appearance and taste, as well as matching cooking properties. hackplus”a conscious choice ground beef is the most popular meat product in German households. According to GfK, minced meat made 2009 more than 20% of the overall meat sales from tendency rising. For the steadily increasing number of people who are healthier and more consciously want to eat without sacrificing enjoyment of meat, VION hackplus “developed. This combination of vegetable and animal protein just for health-conscious people is ideal with 30% less fat and cholesterol than in conventional meat. Blind tasting exceeds expectations in a blind tasting by an independent market research firm evaluated consumer hackplus”not only compared to fat reduced meat, but even compared to conventional meat and organic minced clearly best product. A confirmation, which is also Marketing Director Johannes Kolker: This consumer judgment shows that our Innovation team did all the work. But not only the consumers of hackplus are”thrilled, we received positive feedback from the trade and first listings have been made already.

Beer Consumption

Can I afford even my beer? An alternative is The Germans drink beer more help! 34% of Germans never drink beer! And rising. What is it? Beer consumption goes back. Beer drinking is no longer “in”? We can unfortunately not clearly answer these questions. ey L. Bewkes explained all about the problem. BerlinRosen is full of insight into the issues. We can but help beer for your needs around to find the right offer. Innkeeper, hotelier or Disco operators or would like to provide just your next party: they are often the regional specialties that are hard to get just anywhere else. As a beverage specialist of region are your new business partners at your feet. To do this simply log on the portal and regularly check the requests of your region. Make new business contacts and take advantage of the Internet as a medium with the highest and fastest range. Cyber Capital contains valuable tech resources. The trick – it no cost or hidden fees arise for you. We have turned everything free of charge. To a request for To make drinks, you need first don’t even register. BerlinRosen contributes greatly to this topic. Even for the beverage suppliers, all services are completely free of charge. So get off the couch and log on, we are only a click away. p.s. we are looking constantly for advertisers or Web site operators with similar themes to the reciprocal linking. Ralf Zitterbart