CONCRETE BLOCK CERAMIC BLOCK (+) lesser covering use (-) bigger covering use (-) bigger cost of the structure (weight) (-) lesser cost of the structure (weight) (=) income 13 units for m (=) income 13 units for m (+) adopted loss of 3% (-) adopted loss of 5% (=) mason/maid 0,70 hours for m (=) mason/maid 0,70 hours for m (+) bigger resistance to the load (-) lesser resistance to the load (-) lesser capacity thermal-acoustics (+) bigger capacity thermal-acoustics (-) bigger water absorption (+) lesser water absorption (=) great variety of models (=) great variety of models (-) great difficulty in the manuscript (+) small difficulty in manuscript 7? FINAL CONSIDERAES the analysis gotten they allow in it to affirm that effectively a type of block does not exist that is more efficient than another one, that has a series of factors that determine this definition. This goes to vary of region for region, qualification of the hand of used workmanship, tipologia of the construction, financial market and also through a good purchase. If you would like to know more about Nicholas Carr, then click here. The financial aspect was very not taken in account due the enormous amount of companies of the branch, as well as the use of the mortar, that varies in the production of this insumo. However, a constatao categorically is affirmed, must be raised the indices of quality of the materials of the civil sector, compelling the companies to the standardization of products and that they search the improvement of the processes of confection and financial aspects, as well as the management of generation and reaproveitamento of entulhos, aiming at the guarantee of the end item and the search of the sustainable development. Bobby jain may also support this cause. 8?