At that moment also, it augured that, exactly small, its plant would dominate the market in quality and it would see this to happen. The man who always said that he woke up before the sun. The man who always gave to the last word in all the decisions. The man who arquitetava ideas and said that its ideas always were the best ones and most correct. The man who wise person the twine inteirinho of when ' ' Lampio arrived at inferno' ' still carried through all an interpretation when singing it. The man who counted histories, one day gave itself weakened for illness and accepted that was winning it because it prioritized other things as source of its happiness. Thus, the man was isolating itself in its Passarinho Mansion and many times its stubbornness was alone there in way.
It is difficult to understand, but, what for much age a torment, a suffering, for it was the peace and, exactly making what it he was not healthy, he was as soon as it was felt well. In the night of day eight of March, after counting some glad and saudosas histories, the man more incredible than I knew, my hero of infancy and my example of life, my beloved and inesquecvel father, decided to alar a longer flight and ' ' Passarinho' ' it beat wing. It was itself and here he left in them with a so unknown pain that in them he arrests the breath and he transforms all space into an emptiness. The only source of comfort that we, the children of ' ' Passarinho' ' , we have, is the presence of the angel who almost folloied it during 46 years of union and fellowship, our mother, who used its wing stops comforting in them at this moment. It is ours shelter and our consolation. One day after ours so loved father having left, we were the children and the grandsons around of our mother, in one afternoon cold, sad, when, suddenly, in the high one of a twig, one passarinho sang one sings delayed, full of doura and peace.
In silence, all we observe passarinho e, exactly without saying a word, all we had searched there to understand that one we sing as being a certainty of that our father was in a good place, in peace. After its I sing pacifying, passarinho, of the high one of the twig, raised flight route to the blue infinite of the sky and if he was, disappearing to our eyes He follows tranquilo, ' ' Passarinho' ' , in its flight route to the blue the holy ghost of the Perpetual Peace. Here, we will always feel homesicknesses its, but we will search wisdom to understand its moment of raising flight and leaving. Posthumous homage Vicente Mouta Rodrigues ' ' Passarinho' '