Pavel Vitalis: Feminism – Subjugation Of Women In Theology

Feminism – subjugation of women in the Catholic Theology – body sociology – Schroder of vs. Black a short term aufgeflackerte debate over the gender role of women let some readers know how little the German Minister for Family Affairs (Ms Kristina Schroder) about the history of white feminism. In style of a Stammtisch speech Mrs Alice Schwarzer, the most prominent representative of German feminism, criticized the Minister for Family Affairs and the Minister revealed here that she completed her own studies of sociology, without to take note of the sociology of the body. In the postmodern era, it has become increasingly difficult the individual development in the sense of the classical subject”and to align its requirements. Thus arose the obvious crisis of the subject and a vacuum related (see also the research by PAL Dragos). The sociology of the body as a science of living perspective of the human body deals with the cultural influence of gender roles. Is shown together with the feminist research that the gender roles deep be stored during the childhood in the unconscious, in the body. The actual source of the influence the General consciousness remains then unknown due to the influence of culture on the routes over the unconscious and there are parts of gender roles as naturally dealt necessary”wrongly interpreted.

Body sociology nor feminism are free of related one-sidedness. The thing is not appropriate to criticize it, as did Mrs Schroder, however sweeping and superficial. One must not overlook that in the Catholic churches (the Orthodox, like the Roman Catholic Church) is seen until today the subjection of woman as a matter of course. The gender roles require in postmodernism much on educational work. On the topic of Christianity and the classical subject”see also: PAL Dragos: excerpts from the original Christianity to the crisis of the subject, Norderstedt, 2008 free: more information: