What means the word encourage? The word animate in the Castilian language, encloses several meanings, namely: give life or expression, communicating encouragement, enthusiasm, giving motion, heat, infuse force to a living being, thats what tells us the dictionary of the Royal Academy. The liturgical animation consists of giving life and expression to the celebrations, is to involve all those who form the Assembly, in an atmosphere of prayer, silence and respect and get the gathered faithful to offer to God a worship in spirit and in truth. Liturgical animation should raise the participation of internal and external in the Assembly, whether it be a small or large Assembly. No matter the number of participants, each person who is in the House is important, usual or circumstantial, homogeneous or differentiated. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Lord Peter Hennessy on most websites. Animation is not to instill a soul to the Assembly, because it already has it by baptism, but in doing that it dips and manifests.
The work of animators is to put in motion the soul of the Assembly, to put at stake all their capacity for participation, and help you to get into the dynamics of the celebrativo mystery. It should not be forgotten that the soul of all liturgical animation is always the Holy Spirit present and working. The Constitution of the liturgical animation team-the animation of liturgical celebrations can not fall exclusively on priests, or in a single person, by very layers it may be, requires a team of people who voluntarily serve in favour of the community, preparing, encouraging, reviewing the celebrations, in perfect harmony with the pastor. Currently there is a regulatory official who determine how constitute it or form a team of liturgical animation in a Christian community. Teams exist, which now exist, have emerged from the needs and possibilities of each community. Each group has its own history, woven with their joys and sufferings, their successes and failures, sometimes they have been constituted from the initiative of the priest, others by the suggestions of one faithful driven by its appreciation to the liturgy and by its desire to improve the celebrations in the community.