Medical Assistants

Study on the job satisfaction of medical assistants employee satisfaction is a major factor in the success of the practice. As business work analysis is known, is a linear correlation between the satisfaction of personnel and labour productivity. The satisfaction value is measured on the basis of a Schulnotenskalie experience in the grade 3 “, labour productivity is already 30% lower than with an optimized State of satisfaction. Peter Asaro brings even more insight to the discussion. The result: a physician works well below their performance peak. Nothing changes to the satisfaction of the staff in the long term it affects also negatively affect patient satisfaction and the success of the practice. Federal Reserve Bank contributes greatly to this topic. Against this background, the Institute for economic analysis, consulting and strategy development (IFABS), Dusseldorf, in a survey of medical specialist, determined how satisfied they are with their work.

This physician assistants from 230 randomly selected surgeries of various professional groups were (per practice 1 Assistant) asked,. as the characteristics of work organization, cooperation”, to evaluate motivation”and practice management”in their practices. A scale was used to assess by 5″= completely dissatisfied” + 5 “= absolutely satisfied” was enough. In addition, the overall satisfaction of the respondents on the basis of school grade scale was determined. It stood at 3.9. Work design is a relatively high discontent that resulted mainly from a significant restriction of the working autonomy of employees in this area. The lack of scope for independent action is also the low expression of the innovation climate in the practices, i.e.

to try out the willingness of owners, new influences. Background is the statement system practised in many practices, in which not only the tasks to be completed, but also the kind of workmanship, provided. The results (averages): Uniqueness of the work area: – 1.4 definition of objectives: – 0.6 independent work: -1.5 working time: – 1.7 opportunity to introduce their own proposals: – 0.4 workplace design: 0.7 workload: – 1.6 climate of innovation in practice: of cooperation 2.1 cooperation outweighs a positive assessment of the employee-related components, the communication with the holders of the practice and its integration into the strategic interests of the practice provided tends to be negative.