At the beginning of October 2007 began a new work, thirteenth, copy center FAN. New address, added to the list of the largest network copy centers – Kutuzov Avenue, Building 43. Thus, the company confirms its strategic plans for not only opening new copy centers, but their location – Kutuzovsky not only one of the main thoroughfares of the city, but the concentration of business life. Toward a new copy center is easily accessible by car and public transport (metro station “Kutuzovskaya” or “Victory Park”). Many familiar situations when you need to quickly print large drawings or diagrams, make presentations, which not only tell about the company, but also beneficial to emphasize its statute quality paper and printing, to prepare an urgent circulation of educational materials with different data. These problems are time-consuming and effort? On Actually there’s a simple solution to such problems. And it is called “copy center”.
Copy center fan – a center of operational print, a place where professionals perform the full range of services for the preparation of printed products in the shortest possible time and of different copies. Copy Centers FAN offer full service digital printing operations, the current fleet of equipment provides a continuous workflow efficiency, distribution, and, if necessary, the continuity of orders. For regular corporate customers an additional advantage – integrated printing support, including design and layout of advertising and business materials. Copyshop fan – the largest in Moscow, a network of centers operating press. Today it’s 13 centers, located in different parts of Moscow, in the business of life always close to their customers. FAN Group of Companies successfully operates on market since 1991 and is included in the rating of 800 biggest companies and 50 leading IT-companies in Russia. Group consists of: Fan Distributor Fan Systems, network copy centers FAN, Technical Center Fan. Annual turnover of the Group companies FAN is more than $ 133 million.