Emigration To Sweden

Schwedentipps.se provides information for Germans who want to emigrate to Sweden. The author immigrated to Sweden. Advice and tips for a successful migration to Sweden the number of Germans who emigrate to Sweden, have risen in recent years. A related site: Live Well Financial mentions similar findings. That’s our impression here in Sweden. (It seems however not to give reliable statistics.) We immigrated to Sweden 12 years ago. Initially wanted to we “just look”, but then we have remained. Over the years, we have taken more and more Germans, it has also moved to Sweden. If you would like to know more then you should visit Dan Miller.

Many have made their fortunes in tourism: the ranges from the simple rooms for rent (Bed & Breakfast) about professional kayak and canoe Center to the extensive youth hostel with a restaurant. Others have established a bakery for German bread or a language school. The examples range from the unemployed Hartz IV recipients to the successful specialist (he sees only advantages over the conditions in Germany, “If the beer prices apart”). Many of these emigrants operate own private or business sites on the Internet. The sites indicate there are as many possibilities, to feel at home in Sweden. An annotated list with links to German emigrants of Sweden and their experience reports can be found on Schwedentipps.se.

Large regional differences the almost 1,600 km long Sweden has large regional differences. Life and work rate is higher than in Smaland or other rural regions of Sweden in the three metropolitan areas of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. House prices are significantly higher. The country is more comfortable, and you can find large houses often cheap but the job opportunities are often limited. Before the migration you should consider so closely, in whatever stage of life you are in, what objectives you want to achieve in Sweden and whether you type here rather tends to the city or the country. In any case, it is advisable to comprehensively to inform about the emigration country Sweden. Differently than in our own emigration a wealth of advice and tips, experience reports, and books available is twelve years ago today.