But to the faced being in such a way the tourism in agricultural environment can be beneficial. However the related program (' ' Amanhecer' ') it was parked had the questions politics, being currently placed in reatualizao. However as it said the interviewed one (1), ' ' it must have a first step of prefeituras' '. Mentioning lack to it of existing interest in the city halls of the region. The fifth questioning inquired after the existence of surveys of the tourist potentialities of the Valley of the Mamanguape, with intention to create of clear form the current picture of the tourist situation of the Valley. The interviewed one assured that the PBTUR carries through programs of spreading of the coast north, however displayed the difficulty to carry through such programs a time that the proper city halls of the cities of the Valley of the Mamanguape, do not develop spreading and survey programs. The sixth and seventh question inquired after the existence of public politics and programs of tourist development come back toward the Valley of the Mamanguape.
The interviewed one displayed that to the cited agency it fit only questions of spreading and marketing, not being, therefore responsible for the development of development programs. QUESTIONNAIRE AS DATA OF IDENTIFICATION had been carried through two interviews, in two travel agencies, here calls of agencies (a) and (b), without order of importance between them, the responsible ones of the agencies are of the feminine sex, with ages of, 35 years agency (a) and 42 years agency (b). Both married and resident in the city of Joo Person. In relation to the escolaridade level, only one possesss complete superior level, being the responsible one for the agency (a), graduated Countable Sciences. the responsible one for the agency (b), possessing of incomplete superior level. Through the data it is possible to perceive a preparation absence, the superior level, regarding the branch of tourism and would hotelaria, in both interviewed.