ClickBank processes each day around 35,000 transactions for sales of these products online. How turn you into an affiliate of ClickBank? To become an affiliate of ClickBank, you must register on the page of the company and this way you will get a URL only, call hoplink, this URL identifies the product you want to promote and is responsible for record sales made and your corresponding Commission. This way, each time that a potential buyer reads the promotional content and click on your hoplink, will led the sales letter for the product and then to purchase page in order to place the order. Note to register as affiliate on Clickbank is completely free. How are payments from ClickBank? Each time a sale is generated Clickbank saves you the amount of the Commission and every 14 days sends you a check with the amounts accumulated in that week. For some countries can also make a deposit directly into your bank account. You do not have to take care of delivering the product for sale that took place.
This corresponds to the seller and as the product is digital content is delivered instantaneously. In addition it is the seller who has the task of providing technical support, attention to the customer, etc. It is important to note that payments with ClickBank system is really safe and also company provides you the necessary means so that you can keep track of payments, sales and relevant committees. This way you have the possibility to verify the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns to compare the amount of sales you get for each promotion. If you want to take the best training program that exists on the internet about affiliate marketing I recommend you visit the following article. There you will find all the training necessary to become a true Elite affiliate. Visit Affiliate Marketing, the best choice for your online business