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There is a connection between the design of the shop and the amount of money consumers are left in the office in one visit. That is why the systematizing and professionaliziruya work with in-store design, including floor design, and internal marketing communications retailers can: 1. Increase the average bill by increasing the residence time buyer in the store 2. Increase awareness purchaser of the goods at the store and, thus, increase the number of purchases in their shopping cart. 3. Increase the number of visits for that outlet by reducing visits to retail outlets competitors try to substantiate our claims and to arm ourselves with this statistic: the average customer buys at the supermarket 12-14 times a month, gaining 6 products for a visit. The vast majority of customers from time to time make purchases in another two outlets are competitors and their discount cards. Almost all the buyers, choosing the products carried in the sales area for 20-25 minutes, and in line at the cash register buyer spends more on 5 to 12 minutes.

Average ticket 20 minutes of being in an area of 1,000 sq. m supermarket – From 300 to 700 rubles, the average check of 30 minutes is 1.200 rubles. The transition between 20 and 30 minutes – is the transition between 500 rubles and 1,200 rubles. That's mean to ritelera extra ten minutes spent by the buyer in the store. To understand how to "force" customers to the store for 10 minutes longer, let's see what happens with the customer during his stay in the store. Approximately 20-22nd minutes of being on the trading floor for most people begins to increase irritation, a feeling of psychological discomfort and the desire to quickly leave the store.

This is due, primarily, with the accumulation of large number of people in a limited area – they breathe into each other's neck, face, attacking each other's feet and so on, and a great richness of information: products, posters, in-store broadcasting, radio and others. Certainly, people refer to a certain tolerance for these things but 25th minute is critical for most of them. Even the most tolerant buyers tend to leave the trading floor after 31-32 minutes in it. Assortment and price impact on rational motives buyer, and we all know that 70% of buying decisions made directly on the trading floor, and hence turnover by 70% due to the irrational, unconscious motives and emotional buyer. So what are the specific actions in addition to the standard of work with an assortment and prices can and should take the retailer to increase the average check? The emotional shopping motives influence: placement and type of commercial equipment, control the flow of visitors in the shop, how to display of goods on the shelves, advertising, painting mood, signage, way of moving goods in the hall Slip in shelf space, the organization of promotional areas and places of additional calculations – all these factors must be analyzed and implemented specific measures to optimize shop floor under the "rule of 25 minutes. " All this work needs to be done to increase the comfort of customers while in the sales area and help people move beyond the 20th minute stay, increase this time to 25th minutes and at least for small part of buyers to bring this indicator to 30 minutes. Based on materials