
It is very probable that many of the readers are thinking, but since I do, if I must, this and the other and if I do not cancel obstructs to me; it is a possibility, but not greater than the fear to lose what it is created to have, and I finish ” creer” it is related to an ephemeral comfort, mental comfort, declares in owning things without the appropriate effort. The fear to which it could to happen (embargo) is fear to the fear, the change, the effort, the discipline. In order to design a budget it puts in practice the following advice, who helped him to acquire the custom to save in small things he would qualify and it to do the same when he is great things. a) Before buying it thinks I really need to buy this -? The one that I have really no longer is useful or I have anxiety to buy something new? What other priorities I must take care of? He would be equal of useful an article of second hand, that could buy by less? b) It buys with intelligence. In the supermarkets and grocer’s it looks for the supplies. It does not spend in fast meals, it buys the ingredients and cocnelas same you. Continue to learn more with: Brooklyn Commons. It plans the menu of the week. It buys wholesale, being the careful of not acquiring articles suddenly victory. When it goes shopping knows whatever previously can spend. If it compensates to him to realise the trip it buys in zones or markets where the prices are cheaper. c) He is ingenious It trims the expenses in clothes? It goes shopping with less frequency? One changes of clothes when it arrives at house, in this way lasted more time? It does not squander the electrical energy nor the water in its house – Like designing the budget? Elaborates a list of expenses by categories? It assigns the monthly value in money that belongs to each cost, if it has commitments of payment by a quota to the year, divides the annual value between twelve and registers the amount. It defines the date of victory of each cost during a month? It groups the expenses by categories? It defines by means of a sum, the value of money that each category demands per month? It registers the value of the real income that you or the members of your family contributes. IT ELIMINATES ” COMPLETELY; IT BUYS and PAGE DESPUES” NOW; It visits our page Web and it asks for the table in Excel, for his use and facility of handling of his budget.