I do not recommend use of color publications, if you are sickened by the form of multi-colored soles. In contrast to the black ink, colored very corrosive, and they smell a poisonous. But this is my personal opinion, it can to be biased – I do not like the tabloid press.)) If you have time to get into a good water whirlpool after a while check the newspapers – good skin breathe and gives moisture newspapers almost on the outside. If the press is clearly wet, replace the paper to dry. Outside rubbing with a cloth immediately after the grease-lubricated shoes. If the shoe is wet is very serious, I highly recommend cleaning after use is already on edge nabivshim glycerol or castor oil. Preferably lubricated with cream no earlier than two hours after that. The Fifth Commandment.
In wet or snowy weather did not let us build up of salt on the surface. Her first symptoms – the white stains on the toe and heel. When I got home, wipe this stuff damp cloth and treat with grease. Wash your shoes in a bucket of water or under running water is not recommended. The commandment of the sixth. If it does ship had sprung a leak. Well, is it – the road we are not perfect, but Chemistry – the whole periodic table, even on the sidewalks. Begun to pass moisture bortoproshivnoy seam is treated by the following method (podsmotreno at the same Kazakh shepherd, and he has two pairs of Ichigo on the steppe).