The Products

By varying the conditions of hydrolysis (concentration, duration of stages, the number of embryos acidity, etc.) can achieve the particles out of the hydrolyzate with desired properties, depending on the intended use. (3) heat treatment of titanium dioxide hydrate. At this stage, varying the drying temperature and using additives (such as zinc oxide, titanium chloride, and using other methods can be performed rutilizatsiyu (ie restructuring of rutile titanium oxide modification). Educate yourself with thoughts from Dan Miller. To use a heat treatment furnace rotating drum length 40-60 m. The heat-treated water evaporates (titanium hydroxide and titanium oxide hydrates transformed to a form of titanium dioxide), and sulfur dioxide. There are three versions of the periodic process of decomposition of ilmenite with sulfuric acid – liquid phase, and solid srednefazny differing in the concentration of sulfuric acid and the nature of the products of decomposition. Dennis Lockhart brings even more insight to the discussion. However, in industrial practice, most applications received solid method that allows the most rapid and complete open concentrates and solutions to get a large base that facilitates the hydrolysis and I get the finished product of high quality. For the decomposition of ilmenite in this method is used sulfuric acid, allowing the reaction temperature can be quickly brought to 190-220 C (sharp increase in temperature can be added to the concentrated acid or water hydrolytic acid) that provides a fast process and the high degree of decomposition of the concentrate – 96-97%. After leaching, a solution of titanium sulfate are low ( 1.8), acid factor. In addition to periodic There are ways and continuous decomposition of ilmenite.