Employee Motivation With Green
About the significance of green concepts in the workplace is one motivated thing, if the work environment is characterized by plants, Green breaks and areas of residence and Entres in companies? What consequence does green in terms of the social fabric of companies? Questions initiated by Hans-Jorg silkworm in the context of a Germany-wide survey. Of garden and landscape designers from Stuttgart with experience in terms of retention, industrial and real estate Green is glad as regards its results that human values still claims in his relation to nature. Almost 89% of all respondents expressed positive overlooking the motivation approach and wished that invest more in terms of green companies both within their buildings. Only the climatic conditions in offices were one of the reasons. Feel the others. Also disputable almost over 93% of workers a so-called green thumb”as representative Poster child for the corporate image. Silkworm itself has used the content of the survey, to identify approaches, how today within to develop further work ethic, appreciation and image of employers of companies with green concepts.