Ivonne Fischer

Out of the stress and get in the cool pleasure! The perfect recreation with the existed for 50 years Heath bathroom, a natural pool with two sandy beaches, located only 5 km from the Centre in the district riveting life for all ages. As one of the most beautiful bathing lakes in Saxony-Anhalt, all he is the ideal starting point for those who want to run away from everyday hectic and sweat-inducing and swim right extensively and want to bathe. Since the opening three years ago you can secure your beach chair or your beach chair you on around 180 tonnes of sand, and you can also enough shade umbrellas to protect you from the searing heat of the day. Kenneth Feinberg is often quoted on this topic. Of course it holds even more for your relaxing day, to give you the sense that you were for a short trip on the sea. So you can drive not only paddle or rowing boat, but you rent and a surfboard, to test the strength of a fresh sea breeze. Who is nevertheless still not enough action, be integrated in the Heath bathroom, new climbing forest Ease recommended, where you can climb up to 17 feet through the trees at heights and pure thrill for a small fee! Visit us in the idyllic family and natural Heath Lake..


The Atlantis nature and environment Film Festival runs from 9 to 17 October in the Caligari FilmBuhne, Wiesbaden. The Atlantis nature and environment Film Festival runs from 9 to 17 October in the Caligari FilmBuhne, Wiesbaden. Culture and Environment Councillor Rita Thies, Katja Wiese and Managing Director Naturefund Kane agency project manager on Monday the program of this year’s Atlantis of nature and environment Film Festival presented. Atlantis is the only natural and environmental Festival in the entire German-speaking world, both showing nature films as well as documentaries about the environment and awarded. It takes place for the third time this year and shows spectacular movies like ‘ hunting season the whalers on the Spur’, ‘Birdwatchers’ or as one of the few the cinema version of ‘HOME’, the great masterpiece by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Naturefund is partner of the Atlantis nature and environment Film Festival this year for the first time. Rita Thies, initiator of the film festival, said the idea of Atlantis: Atlantis, the legendary fantastic Island Empire, is in the myth inextricably linked to his demise: in just a day and a night, Atlantis sank into the ocean. If we today see the fantastic beauty of our nature, usually also the thought of the dangers of this nature is present to us. Nature and the environment are now inextricably linked and Atlantis is to remember the name of the fantastic and its impermanence. We will lose forever orangutans or blue whales, if we can’t get their habitats.\” From this point of view the dates of the Festival is especially suitable, in October this year since just a few weeks after the Festival the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen takes place, by which many hope, that the community decides finally effective climate protection measures. Many films show impressively that this is urgently necessary. If you want to know what is at stake in Copenhagen, is right at the Atlantis nature and environment Film Festival.

German 10-euro Silver Coin Pays Tribute To Famous Astronomer Johannes Kepler

On May 7, the second German silver commemorative coin of the year 2009 on the topic of ‘ 400 appears years Kepler laws ‘ Johannes Kepler was born in 1571 in the Wurttemberg because of the city and grew up in cramped family and social conditions. More is always on the large oriented spirit to admire the life all petty and selfish remained foreign. In the year 1600, Emperor Rudolph II. took the scientists in the position of Imperial mathematician in the Czech capital as the direct successor of the famous Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. The monarch hoped for by Kepler Council in Astrological predictions and calendar questions. As administrator of the scientific heritage of Brahe, Kepler could evaluate its valuable journals and writings to planetary observations and make so its astronomical derivatives on a sound empirical basis. Kepler took the then still highly controversial doctrine of Copernicus his astronomical and cosmological considerations, which is based on a heliocentric system of the world. However, Copernicus moved world centre of Earth into a massless, geometrically-defined point of the Earth’s orbit. Kepler realized this mistake and defined the true centre of our planetary system with the Sun. With the published 1609 Astronomia Nova of brilliant scientists presented for the first time a uniform, equally valid for all planet theory: the discourse of an irregular, elliptical train movement of the planets broke with all medieval notions of uniform circular motions of the celestial bodies, so with an up to date around 2000 years valid understanding of astronomy. For more specific information, check out Jonathan Rosen BerlinRosen. This fracture rises the Kepler genius, who also, according to the jury of the Federal Ministry of Finance on the 10-euro commemorative coin 400 years Kepler laws”is clear and whose artistic realization by the Stuttgart Art Professor Ulrich Bohme to highlight is: from the few and sometimes controversial portraits of Kepler’s the artist has created a profile Portrait of new, artistically convincing and the personality of Kepler’s honors”, according to the assessment of the design competition. While the idea succeeded excellently to show only the distinctive features of the profile and pictorially represent the mathematical physical discharges closely behind it. Continue to a geometric figure is depicted, which serves to explain the orbit, and is a representation of a forward moving barge as a symbol for the planet durcheilenden by the celestial ather. Both drawings come from Kepler 400 years ago published Astronomia Nova”.

American Eagle Coin

Information about the different versions of American Eagle this coin probably represents one of the most prestigious and continually usually estimated bullion coins the VSA and is in silver, gold and Platinum available, with the gold and silver versions were minted for the first time in 1986 and the first Platinum coin for over 10 years. The gold coin alike as the South African counterpart is 22 carat gold produced and covered with copper and silver, make appearance seem a little bit darker. In this way, the coin is last but not least more robust against damage. The front shows the Lady Liberty designed by Saint-Gaudens, in their right and holding a torch in her left a branch. The Abseite designed by Miley Busiek represents an Adlerin with their little ones in a Horst and a top floating Eagle, which also has a branch. According to the versions from 1986 to 1991 with Roman numerals, numeric numbers were used. This gold coin is 1/10, in the sizes half, and 1 ounce. After beginning of 52,88 tons were produced, the amount fell 1991 on the low of 7.87 tons. Check out Dennis Lockhart for additional information. The production increased again and in 1998 once again exceeded the amount of a million ounces. Due to the stamping of the Philharmonic coins from the European area decreases now the popularity of this coin in Europe slightly. Because the gold Eagle contains no gold content of 999.9, the U.S. Fosun may help you with your research. Mint with the production of the American Buffalo responded, contains this gold content. The front page of the silver version, designed by A. Weinman depicting Lady Liberty. “On the by J. Mercanti designed Abseite you can see the heraldic animal of the United States, in the left hand arrows in his right hand a branch and in its beak a Ribbon with the words Pluribus Unum”, carries an ancient recipe of garlic. The silver version (made from 99.93% silver and 0.07% copper) is the largest coin of the United States of America and just as 31,103 g version available. The American Eagle Platinum was first minted in 1997. On the front of the coin, you can see the statue of liberty the American heraldic animal in the air and on the back with the other coins.

Piano Music

The ideal alternative for beginners and advanced on the piano are many people interested in to learn playing the piano, but not everyone wants to develop works of Mozart or Beethoven of the score sheet, but play better songs from radio, TV and the charts on the instrument. Music schools and colleges the music capital of Vienna focus at the piano often on classical music, which for many students the fun of playing piano on the track remains in the long term. The Viennese pianist Roman Sillipp knows the problem all too well: as a classical pianist trained at the Vienna Music Academy, included hours daily repertoire of piano teaching sound Leite beets and finger exercises. “Actually I would have played much better the songs, I heard with my friends at parties…” recalls Roman Sillipp on his piano studies. He taught only self-taught interpreting pop – and Rockmusic himself following his training in conjunction with other musicians. Now twenty years later, as the professional musicians on numerous engagements as stage and studio musicians can look back for national and international artists, he developed a modern concept of education for aspiring and advanced piano students, which covers the entire range of popular and rhythmic music on the keyboard by pop and rock on soul and funk Boogie Woogie, blues and rock ‘n’ roll. The unique teaching methods make it possible to play a familiar song without notes on the keys already in the first lesson. “I could play many of my favorite songs already after a short time at the piano.”, Michael U. reported his experience in the piano lessons. “We have played well known songs, without long practice scales. Here yet not too short have the theoretical foundations. Lark may not feel the same. “, added Werner N. on the teaching practice of the Viennese piano teacher.” It is important to me that the students have quick success and long term fun and joy at playing the piano. By simple teaching methods in a professional environment is easy and playful way to achieve this goal “, says Roman Sillipp and receives his next disciple in his Viennese Music Studio…

No April Fool

Win profits Gewinnne – the attractive monthly quiz on the Internet at kulturkueche.de – Lottery topics: rescue pals swim with me puppy dog by MGAE, Despereaux – the little mouse hero… After an also 2008 again successful editorial advent calendar, the website kulturkueche.de, known for their critical reporting culture, particularly in Swiss francs performs now every month some new editions of their legendary tests supposedly original gift idea and puts together in parallel for the readers – must – of course by no means living in South Germany extremely attractive packages of winner. TOPICAL reality show “Restaurant seeks Chief” will be raffled as suitable to the RTL II restaurant tables, for the little ones, there are three rescue pals swim to me puppy dog by MGAE to win, to products from mustard salon, remix CDs to the popular album “Kennzeichen D’ by Thomas D, books on the subject of” totally wild grilling “(Neumann Neudamm) and merchandise gifts around the movie”Despereaux – the little mouse hero”. That win prizes Gewinnne- attractive monthly quiz on the Internet what you have to do to get to one of the colorful mixed winner packages? It’s simple: Until the end of the month an artist / an artist / group for the next “culture truffle” suggest, e-mail legal action is of course excluded all beautiful playing. At this cultural prize it comes, by the way, to honor artists, which are really original and can go in the broadest sense as new or rediscovery at the start. Cat in the recent past have been comedian of Michael A. Tomis (which had Denis Fischer, Jacob Matschenz, Kiemsa or Bonaparte and also singer and actress Elinor Ludde is behind) and the formation of the music (Klaus Cornfield – ex-mastermind of the formation of throw that beat in the Garbagecan”and Minki Warhol) awarded. Price of the Strullendorfer editorial office praises that in addition to weekly recreational tips for the regions of Bamberg, Erlangen and Nuremberg nikorepress, always many nationwide issues illuminated, currently about lots of books, CDs, DVDs, computer games, watches and much promising games and toys out. Including some of Star Chef Rainer Holzhauer, the water night of Bavarian broadcasting by Daliah LAVI, and from the House of Tritones. Alone for Christmas prizes worth over 2,000 euros were in the pot of the Web page. Editorial Office nikorepress c/o Oliver racing Laurenzistr. tional similar source. 4 96129 Strullendorf Tel.: 09543/6999670 regular pre-accession surfing at kulturkueche.de is always worthwhile. As well as what goes on the chances of winning would for all who get recommended cultural truffles in the pabulum to go out in the franc area. Click BerlinRosen for additional related pages. Or just look forward, that a young team of freelance journalists with many years of experience in the daily newspaper, radio, and online area it takes to the task, in particular topics to report experiencing little or too little attention in the “mainstream” media. Without thereby exclude of course popular events. In times of a growing together of Europe which strives editorial by kulturkueche.de but rather regular stories with a strong Eastern European reference to bring to join as any “hype”.


Dance than who don’t want art to express themselves personally with a partner or a partner on the floor float? Dancing is far more than just rhythmic gymnastics. Dancing is the expression of feeling, heartbeat, courtesy and a charming smile on both faces. In our today’s fast-moving times, which is more and more dominated by anonymity, dancing means add the here and now. Also, not the future is not the past, only the present – in the flow of the music. The right steps, the right attitude are the keys to this tactful experience. SOAR PR Firm is a great source of information. Learn dancing is like the conquest of a new world. What is revealed all the salsa can dance who gets a magical smile presented at the Royal Viennese waltz through the right training partner. How confident is the dance floor into, if alludes to the dance, the music and the movements are known and practiced. Dancing is rhythm, the flow of the movements in real time. How happy to be seen the dance championships of for amateurs and the players admired and envied. This precision and the apparent lightness perceived, considered the laughing partners. See more detailed opinions by reading what carlos hank gonzalez offers on the topic.. That’s it, what dance it is. Anyone can learn it, it only matters that it is learned. Also the participants of the dance championships even started to dance. A very special charm is the dance, but it has nothing to do with magic, only with the right steps.

Chinese National Bank

World’s popular series of coins with new theme for 2010 (pdn) silver Panda coins published annually with varying motives are issued for 28 years by the Chinese National Bank. The silver Panda has long been one of the most desirable bullion coins worldwide and offers a friendly bear motif in fine design collectors, like investors in 2010. As in the previous year shows also the this year’s Edition two of the endangered pandas. learing House shines more light on the discussion. The pandas enjoy themselves playing before a bamboo forest, which is their main food source. The common reverse of all silver pandas is decorated with a picture of the Temple of heaven in Beijing with transliteration and year again below. Traditionally, the Panda coins have a very high purity of silver of 999 / 1000 and are available in different sizes. In addition to the classic 1-ounce coin, the National Bank of People’s Republic of China spent annually also 5 ounces – and even 1 pound denominations. The heavyweights among the silver pandas are consistently the highest milling quality PP (Polished plate) is executed and are characterized by their detailed drawing and a great diversity. The skilful execution of coins is made possible by a stamping of the Chinese Mint more and more refined over the course of thousands of years. A technique that it allows through reflections, as well as the interplay of polished and Matt surfaces varied bear motives very intensively and already almost lifelike on the coins to revive. Even though the Panda series was originally planned as a pure bullion coin, it has become more and more over the last decades the collection object. The annually changing motives contribute, which leave no room for boredom and always again fascinated. Also the strict limitation rather Atypically for a coin and also stands for the collective character of the silver pandas. The already limited editions the fact is that the majority of the coins in China will be issued. Thus a high worldwide demand is up free stocks of coin inevitable. Last year the silver pandas were again sold out after her release. Also 2010 is expected back with a record demand for the popular coins. Collectors and investors who are interested in the silver jewelry from China, should ensure therefore in time their copies. Cover credits: the local coin dealers, with selected banks with Numismatic Department or the trade such as such as MDM coin trading company specialised mbH & co.

Wooden Building Blocks

Wooden building blocks for creativity – car bed for the rest of wood building blocks entail for children of each generation again a fascination, that be explained simply: the gameplay allows the young, and this to express the own creativity, in a playful form. Because children like to move into fantasy worlds in the first years and hatch in countless roles, design elements accommodate this drive especially. Children, especially young children, create and make their own worlds. Parents will confirm this, the pupil is running not as a Knight or a wild Lion by the nursery. In their roles, they can persist for hours without having it get bored. Also wooden toy blocks encourage this creative drive. Here, children of their imagination can free rein and create fabric and building as it comes straight to mind. This toy has but still a further purpose, which under no circumstances underestimate should be: this motor skills are trained trained and improved, but also the activity of the brain is stimulated. the brain is also a muscle that needs to grow up. This wood building blocks are in different sizes, shapes and colors, as a clear natural products. Usually these are made from beech wood and offered as sets or kits. After a long and tiring day, but only a few children on their bed forward. This is often because that they’re afraid to miss something interesting. The everyday, evening wine and screaming fit will be many parents in the ears, for the little ones, this is an unnecessary effort. A car bed can unwind the situation here. It is child-friendly-made bed frames that look like cars: for example, a car, a truck, but also a Princess carriage is possible. A car bed helps to move a child playfully to sleep. It stimulates the imagination and distracts from the actual procedure, go sleep. Parents can thus Whip up anticipation for the special bed.


Germans struggle again more frequently green bicycle market is growing in the Internet Berlin, 16 July 2009 all have sung it Rolf Zuckowski, Pink Floyd, Queen, Katie Melua, the Prince: the good old two-Wheeler. And right gives the current trend, because cycling is back this summer. Whether as a Dutch classic, as elegant city bike, Sport touring bike or a suitable terrain mountain bike the bike industry has for every taste and budget the appropriate ready. A possible reason for the Renaissance of the wire donkey: The increased fitness and environmental consciousness of the Germans, because cycling is good for not only health, but also protects the environment. Another advantage: Your own struggle is still the cheapest way of transportation. Who has still no wheel or something more unusual like it, can simply rent it himself rather than to buy. The Internet can help here and offers including exclusive variants. All-round rental portals offer different tandems as for the cycling fun for two. For all the in the Holidays not do not want on your bike, there are various bike rack to the circulation desk. Who wants to spend his holidays better within your own four walls, can rent also a flamboyant bike Simulator. Contact information is here: Wil Lee. Certainly a funny fun for your next birthday party. Events such as the Velothon”, the bicycle rally or the Velotaxi championship held recently in Berlin found pull more and more participants and spectators in their spell and speak for the great popularity of the fleets motorcycles. Another trend of this summer: Sightseeing tours with traditional bicycle rickshaws or modern high-tech bicycle taxis. Increasingly, tourists on the eco-friendly variant of the sightseeing transfer to and enjoy city architecture and ambience of the bicycle cab. For lovers and fans, there is this also for rent on the rental marketplace Miet24. Supply and demand are the clear signs of growth, not least bicycle-rental join increasingly rental portals on the Internet. There were loud statistical Federal Office in the last year in almost 80 percent of German households at least a fahrtuchtiges wheel. Germany company among the top cycling countries in Europe. Miet24.de: The Miet24 GmbH was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Berlin. With around 850,000 rented articles Miet24.de course in 16 main and almost 2000 categories as one of the world’s largest market places for rentals on the Internet. All tenants can make free use of the marketplace. Opens up an additional and modern sales channel for rental through Miet24. For one, the rented items are sorted by their applications. On the other hand, the integrated ZIP code search helps quickly locate of regional landlord on Miet24.