Ethical Responsibility

The passage of life, is not crossing a plain is very regrettable as at present, in the here and now, manifest themselves in many companies, in all countries, especially that concerns US Venezuela, a large decoupling of management, ethics, with those values which should be guarantors of morality, justice, respect, dignity, more, when he proclaims in different media the as many companies through their managers are accused of acts of corruption, illicit enrichment, bad treatment to your pernal, performance that threatens the social responsibility of the company, acts which leave much to say, among others. Not surprisingly, us comment, point, that ethics must be part of the education of the individual from his childhood, particularly reinforced by the family and formal education. Development can not be simulated. There are laws that determine it. One such law is the so-called law of the harvest. Is it clear or not, you harvest what you sow. That is why there is that recognize that if we want a more integral management, ethically effective should start from now to educate on the ethical principles to future generations of managers. I remember, many years ago, when he was studying engineering at the ITESM in Monterrey Mexico, among the latest subjects to study, was a compulsory as era of professional ethics, where emphasis on values in the behaviour, morality, in all those virtues that would ensure honesty, responsibility, morality, respect. Topics, which were widely explained with all their scope and impact. Unfortunately, in our universities, even in schools in secondary education, ethics is not considered and this facilitates according to conduct that manifests that you are away from them, not to surprise us, that is constantly denounce acts of corruption, abuses that undermine the community, especially with companies that give the possibility that this happen.