Creative Industries
Look for a successful interview, a cliche that has become outdated. It sounds silly, but the way it is: what you wear to an interview is as important as what is in your resume. According to a study of former ucla professor Albert Mehrebiena, the first impression works like this:-After 7 seconds, forming first impressions. -38% Of first impressions are based on the intonation and tone of voice (how you say), -7% based on what you actually say, and a huge 55% first impressions come from the Non-verbal cues! In short, more than half of each of the first impression is based on how you look! In hiring manager develops a positive or negative impression of you by your appearance. If he likes what he sees, you have every chance to get a job. Even if you correctly say, but your appearance distasteful to the person responsible for recruitment, most likely you do not work seen. So, how do you know what clothes will make a good impression and will help attract attention to you during the interview? Prepare a first step in determining the clothes will be a small study. Learn what part of the Industry is firm, speak, if possible, with other people who worked there, you can even poshpionit near their office to find out what are employees of this company! In addition, it may seem obvious, but may be missing: note the information on the dress code on their website and announcing the hiring! If they do not provide any data about the dress code, it is fair to assume that they would prefer a professional business clothes. Then be possible to be more conservative with his wardrobe. Learn more at: Lark New York . Eg What you wear, for the most part depends on the industry in which you are going to get a job! Here are some ideas which are suitable for different industries. Conservative Industries – Accounting, finance, Law, Consulting, etc.: Creative Industries – Advertising, Graphic Design, Music, and etc.: When you pass the interview to work in a creative field, and can dress a little more creatively. Unless you are confident that people in the office wear casual clothes, dress a bit formal, adding individual finishing touches to your well, such as a bright handbag. Do not be afraid to show off their individuality, but always stick with elegance and classic. Hair and makeup when it comes to hair and makeup for the interview, remember one thing: less – is better. You have to look so well-groomed as possible, using the minimum amount of makeup. Suitable for:-Clean hair, just laid-Concealer, if necessary, small number of transparent powder to get rid of greasy-Mascara-neutral in tone, lip gloss or lipstick, a little take a little eye + neutral eye shadow is not suitable:-Dirty, disheveled hair-Ton hardened foundation / foundation-Smoky eye makeup, bright eye shadow, bright or glitter lip gloss, with the result that ultimately, dressing for an interview, imagine that dress for your dreams, and show all of your professionalism, choosing appropriate clothes. If you follow the advice above, then following your interview will certainly be crowned with success!