Red Telephone
Not very often we are preparations to dismiss our children although we know that it is normal that they raise the flight. Especially if they are very young and they decide to go away to study far from house, it costs to fit us to us to the idea of that unexpected independence. For the parents, the preoccupation is great for the children the freedom anxiety goes accompanied of insecurity, but it wants to break chains, or at least to relax them, and to demonstrate to the world that if they can single. If they decide to go away far, already being majors, being professional the loosening feeling is smaller, but equal, enter other factors game, because it worries to us that so frequently we will be able to return to see to us, or to speak at least. And worse if they already have children: As I am going to maintain the contact near and sweet that deserves the grandparents and the grandsons? I want to be there for the important moments, but also she did not want to lose normal and the daily thing to me. In anyone of the cases, the frequency of the communication plays a key factor, since not always it is possible to physically move, by the time and the cost that also implies, but because we want to give them the space to that they went away so that they develop its own life, without feeling that we are controlling or distrusting of its capacities to simply adjust to the new life we want to maintain the contact fresh that they know that we are there for the emergencias, but also for the daily things that want to share with us. For that reason the communication today has the challenge to fulfill several factors: it must be agile, movable, costable and of two routes. We want that the university son knows that he has to us within reach of its movable telephone, where he wants that he is, in case he needs to us, but with the certainty that we can call also it, although does not confess it publicly. Also, we want that the children majors and our grandsons include to us and they have presents to us, at all the moments. Today luckyly there are options, like SKYPE, that allow to communicate almost with any part of the world of very economic form, but better even the option of the RED TELEPHONE, that even today already it is integrating its service with SKYPE, so that any person who is going away to live outside her country, can take a line of Colombia or Venezuela, allowing it to which was had left, to call them to cost of LOCAL call, that it stamps where it wants that our son is. With more than 7 years in the market, the Red Telephone has become a reliable option, that in addition it generates modern, but simple options, allowing to reduce that distance and frustration that appears when a son goes away. we have the proximity sensation at least, although he separates the ocean to us. They would already love my parents to have had this, when I was the one that went so many years ago.