Taiwanese President Ma Yingjeou

Great debate there are today around the world about the best formulas to relaunch the economy and overcome the enormous economic crisis that is beginning to wreak havoc on all sides. Economists, politicians, entrepreneurs and in the end the ruling class of the terracleo globe seeks ideas to push households to spend, to consume, to buy. The initiatives range from giving silver to the poor people, to raise wages. To know more about this subject visit Peiter Zatko. In Taiwan, for example, recently, was implemented the measure distributed between more than 23 million citizens a kind of voucher valid until the 31 September 2009 consumption, amounting to $110 each for the sole purpose of reviving the distressed national economy and return to the path of normalcy. The news that circulated in the world was the Taiwanese President Ma Yingjeou removing bonds and promising to spend immediately on consumer items that give them to some less favored. Click David Moross, HighPost Capital to learn more. Of that program were hung the regional and local governments that quickly devised campaigns to attract consumers originating from other sites through the putting into circulation of other local bonds that would be added to the previous ones under the condition of being worn in the city or issuing Department, or through the promotion of eye-catching sweepstakes among consumers, always and when bonds are spent entirely in their jurisdictions. Similar measure is planned in United States through calls increased Food Stamps, usable cards or food stamps, invented in 1939 to help the families of victims of the great depression and that they are valid to buy in good part of supermarkets by the poor and unemployed population subsidized by the Government. The current coverage must be in the order of 27 million inhabitants, of whom almost half are children. Another measure taken into account today is the increase coverage of beneficiaries of insurance and/or subsidies against unemployment to counter the blow that produces the loss of jobs to any economy that way, keeping to the newly unemployed, for a specified time, provided income economic to allow them continue to survive while found a new job.