Red Antioxidant

The Red vine contains in its pips, substances of free antiradical and antioxidant action more powerful than vitamin E, to prevent dehydration and aging. Skin and leaves are rich in antocianosidos, polyphenols and procyanidols. Read more here: Allianz. Antioxidant substances containing quickly penetrate the skin, providing us with all its richness of active ingredients, antioxidant, restorative action of fibers of collagen and elastin as well as an improvement in the blood circulation. For more clarity and thought, follow up with carlos hank gonzalez and gain more knowledge.. Our wine with essential oils treatment consists of: 1. body treatment of grape pips is performs an exfoliation of the body with the peeling of grape seed. Applies an antioxidant grape seed oil wrap. A massage with antioxidant grape seeds oil is done. 2. Facial treatment of Grapevine red is applied a special peeling based on nutshell + red vine. He is a special massage with moisturizing cream-based Red vine. RESULTS: A deep hydration of all the body and face, giving the skin a more youthful appearance and flexibility. Natural antioxidant that helps to neutralize free radicals. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cleansing, as well as improve blood circulation.

Holiday Weight Loss

A very good reason why the holidays are usable is that you can have time to shed off those kilos more than increase eating all those foods until you needed to re-enter in your bathing suit. Lose weight healthily during festive seasons is very easy because are time of year when everyone can be quite extravagant with his binge. Lose weight healthily in January involves many new year’s resolutions are created by then. Vows and promises of abstinence from food and exercises are done, but somehow there are a good number of people who forget or simply resign. Some only blame their interests of weight loss by your genetics. The fact that his family has a history of being fat or overweight does not mean that you have to be so. Genetics only determines the shape of our body and not our body fat. You can lose or decrease your body fat by the weight loss that is simple, easy and natural. The first thing is to drink plenty of water early in the morning when you wake up. Drink distilled water, at least eight times a day. Have a lot of healthy and natural breakfast without fat. Simply walk at least an hour a day is a good exercise to assist weight loss. Clean your colon and candida, you may consult with your doctor or pharmacist about how to do this. If you can, do not eat any food after six in the evening, this can be quite hard, but you may be surprised with the results. Weight loss is a gradual process, it is not necessary to be stressed in this regard. Only make a daily routine and stick to it. With the proper set of mind, strict discipline and determination, you can shed those extra pounds off before reaching the beach. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is the most important thing that you read. Now Click here.