
– To stimulate the personal capacities: These must be developed in the group. The complementariness is an element of enrichment for the group, where each member has a personal commitment. – To favor the personal autonomy in several directions: – Inner: Making take it brings back to consciousness to each of his capacities. – Outer: By the acceptance and the capacity to contract responsibilities and to occupy its site in the life of the group. – Individual: Supporting the development of the values of each person. – Collective: Accepting that the autonomy is the base of the individual freedom, that allows the individual to get up itself and to participate in the life of the group and the society. – To help the group to evaluate all the sections of the program of the meeting: Spending the time necessary to each subject according to its importance. – To facilitate the decision making: Bringing about the participation of all and the agreements by consensus. Functions of the Entertainer: We speak of the animation not-directive, where the Entertainer is a member more of the equipment than he proposes, he invites, he presents/displays, he offers aid, he collaborates Of this form its main functions during the meeting are: – To remember the objectives: Not to turn aside itself of the final mission. – To make proposals: Not to leave the program, to apply the decisions, so that all participate in the discussions, etc. – To create a favorable climate: So that all set out their ideas freely. – To propose methods and means: To be effective facing the final mission. He must propose and teach to the means of action and suitable procedures more. – To communicate with the group: Feeling like a member more of the group, as soon as he makes his available a series of technical knowledge and abilities and participates in the life of the group. – To foment the autonomy: Its opinion must allow that the group it decides by itself; still being able to transmit enthusiasm, spirit and confidence, without forgetting to facilitate good conditions for the interpersonal work and relations.

Video Marketing

The majority of the people who work in the Network Marketing, have their Blog, write articles, comment in others blogs, have followers by Twitter, etc, all that absolutely necessary, nevertheless, which truly is going to give an ENORMOUS PUSH to you to your Branding is Video Marketing. The Video Marketing is going to allow exponerte to you, shows to you like the person that you are, you are going to cause that you are known. People are going to see the alive face to you in and that is very important, because you are going to generate CONFINZA. It watches the important thing that it is the Video Marketing that Youtube is the SECOND finder after Google, that is first. People look for very many things in Youtube, the particularitity of the video is that she catches very many plus the attention of the person sees who it that if were reading an article, why? because salts you. In order to make Video Marketing you must overcome all the fears to which all we faced when we are going to go to other people: Fear to the exhibition In fact people does not pay attention to how are dressed, if you are despeinad@, or if you wear necktie, if you are very guinea fowl, but are going to pay attention to which you say, to how it express to you, to your gestures. Fear to speak in public Recommendation, first thinks what you are going to count, prepralo before, you can hacerte a small scheme or guides, but NEVER YOU READ, will notice. Fear to what will say You must know that your videos are not going they to like to everybody, but will be people to whom they enchant to them, so acptalo and I know you yourself. All person who EXPOSES ITSELF, exposes itself (she is worth the redundancy) to BEING CRITICIZED or BEING FLATTERED. For that reason you must think about which you want to transmit so much in the videos as in the articles that write, without importarte what people think. Most important of a video he is the AUDIO one, if it is seen you perfectly and not it hears what you say, then the video do not dye no value. Therefore the video must have AUDIO OF QUALITY. And to finish this post, it remembers: If beams Video Marketing YOU DO NOT EXIST in Internet, you will be HAIR NET.