
Sometimes when we write our sales letters or ads will not forget certain aspects that can help us persuade our prospectus to buy our service or product, then I leave you some tips to include in your sales letters or advertisements you can help the prospect to take action on the proposal which we're doing. 1. Post a picture of yourself in your ad. Esto1. Post a picture of yourself in your ad.

Estomostrar to people who are not hiding behind his websitio and not afraid to back up your product. 2. A list of famous people or how many have respetadocompro the product in your ad. These personasdebe be well known by your target audience. 3. Publish the results of tests tieneaprobada your product in your ad. Your product may have pasadouna durability test, safety test, quality test, etc.. 4.

Publish the survey results positive hatomado your customers on your ad. Only encuestasus customers and the list of results. 5. List Publications that have written about her business in your ad. It could be a product review in a list of ten, article, etc. For even more opinions, read materials from carlos hank gonzalez banorte. 6. List of related books you have written in suanuncio. When you put a book (s) that you wrote, I Daquan credibility, because it shows who is an expert. 7. Having a professional looking website announced in publicarsu. When people visit your site and professional vepoco, they tell that to your product. 8. Publication of any endorsement of famous people inits ad. Some people think that if a famous person, enjoys your product, they will too. 9. Use a money back guarantee on your ad. These eliminate the risk of its customers potencialesy show that behind their product. 10. Provide testimonials from satisfied customers inits ad. The testimonials should include especificasy credible results that clients have received.