Mathematics And Physical Education

Currently, there is an active search for opportunities to improve quality and upgrade forms of learning in preschool children. In preschool formation of elementary mathematical concepts should be carried out so that kids see that math does not exist by itself, that reflect the mathematical concepts of communication and relationships inherent in the subjects of the world. In practice, the conditions for use in preschoolers mathematical knowledge, there are a variety of activities – at work, visual, motor, when the task count the desired number of items, compare them to shape or size. This publication discusses the education of children in mathematics combined with physical education. Others including Dennis Lockhart, offer their opinions as well. This approach to training, on the one hand, allow children to better understand the mathematical representation, and, on the other hand – to help solve the problems of physical activity for children. Recently, doctors and teachers notes with concern that children today lead a sedentary life. It is common knowledge that without moving the child can not grow up healthy. It is proved that the more varied movements, the more information to the brain, the stronger the intellectual development of preschoolers.

Famous teachers from antiquity to the present note that the movement is an important tool for learning. In the motor activity of children actively make sense of new objects and their properties. Therefore we should not restrict activities in preschool institutions in any one species activity. The more varied the activities used for teaching materials and lessons will be, the greater the effect they give. The more complete the information obtained from their child's senses, the more successful and diversifying its development. There are following options for teaching children math in combination with the physical development of: – filling the mathematical content of lessons on physical education – an increase physical activity for children in the classroom on mathematics – a combination of mental and physical activity during physical education and mathematics lessons, holidays and travel.