Life Of Adolescent

Life of adolescent is very complicated, you faces many problems, passes for many difficulties, suffers bullying things among others. If you are inexperienced in a school already you are reason of you intrigue, if you are shy already you are reason to be excluded visor group, if you are fat already you are reason to laugh in its face, if you are lean excessively you want to say that you are sick, if you do not arrange right pra to be well pretty and to call attention, this you want to say that you are male – female, of pra not to understand these types of people. What they want after all? What they have? Life that adolescent leads is very difficult same, to pass for everything how much it is difficulty and still to leave this without none ' ' arranho' '? kkkkkk at least some adolescents does not suffer ' ' arranhes' ' n? the celebrities ' ' arranhes' ' that they inside remain of people for all the life therefore we have that to know to respect the people, the colleagues, our friends, everybody of the skill that they are and had been servant, therefore NOBODY HE IS PERFECT! . .