I don’t know exactly how it will be in other countries but in many cities there is lot of competition in the area of automotive mechanic so mcuh times technicians or professionals of this sector should charge very low prices for their work. This worsens since there is no restriction on the market of automotive mechanics, i.e. that dealt with or be considered as a medium control profession many people working in the area do not have sufficient training, and even none, to work. Is for this reason that is also difficult to get a serious automotive mechanics, confidence, responsibility and complying with its own proposals for work, pushing many times good professionals to stay long without work or with undervalued work. But if you like or love this area, then; Why not create a blog dedicated to automobiles, autos, cars, trucks, auto mechanics, racing, racing, maintenance, etc.? I believe that in the medium and long term is It could turn into an interesting entry monetizandolo with adsense advertising because I guess, not I tested it yet, that notices of the automotive sector are very well paid. You can also give the authority as expert and that tepuede help get work or customers if you already have a related business. Everything is in start, launch yourself into the ring and take advantage of our knowledge and our taste for this interesting and I think that profitable sector of the industry as a theme for a successful blog.