More common problems in the family related to the finances. – Spouses not ' ' emprestam' ' money one for the other – Both must know everything on finances one of the other. – ' does not have to exist; ' dois' ' wages? but one. The beginning of the unit it is basic for a good and harmonious convivncia of the couple. – Financial Subjects do not have to be argued in the front of other people, nor of the children.
ERRORS THAT THE HUSBANDS COMMIT. Not to make planning of expenses and investments with the family. Not to communicate decisions of acquisitions and sales. To occult profits and investments. To decide alone on the sales of the goods of the family. He practises of an exaggerated economy: Not to provide adequate feeding Par frog famlia.etc. Habit to buy old, defective and inaproveitveis things (nhos, mobile cars velhi and clothes).
Not to acquire proper house. Not to complete the construction of the house. Not to remodel the house. Not to furnish the house. To regulate everything (use of perfumes, clothes soul, footwear, leisure, etc.). When they use such expressions: – Its pulls if she capsizes (when the wife asks for money to it) – You only me of the damage – She does not full! I do not have money! (a way, the times liar Par frog to say not) WOMEN ALSO ERRAM. If not interesting in making the financial planning with the husband. To consider, in case that it has proper profit that its wage is alone of it. Compulsion for purchases. Not resisting the liquidations. Not knowing to say ' ' no' ' to the salesmen. Not knowing to take a walk not to be to make purchases. Buying unnecessary things. If not contenting with what it has. Deviating resources without the knowledge of the husband it stops: – to keep vices of the children – To give gifts – To make trips, etc. Authorship: Pr.Valdemir Fields Rock