Problems with conversion ratios? Don’t worry is the bread of every day not be you, but I personally am never happy with my subscription statistics. I look at them and I don’t like what I see. I am not referring to the number of active subscribers, or which have been decommissioned, but the number of failures in the delivery and confirm earrings. What most concerned me logically is my email delivery ratio. For something I do email marketing and spend money on developing it. The topic of filters mail providers to avoid the spammers affects us all.
And every time this worse. Currently when sending an email to any of my lists already don’t receive the same reply that since 1 year and receive less that makes 2, and I hope that it does not follow the descent because but tendre that used another system of contact. Good indeed long I offer RSS but not as unique method, and 2-3 years ago (subscribers more veterans perhaps what recordeis) started to use a method that consisted of downloading an application on the desktop, but finish leaving it because I do not get to Jell with all audiences This has taken me over the years to test virtually all autoresponders on the market, including of course the more prestigious; Autoresponseplus, Aweber, Getresponse, etc, etc, etc but that you want to tell you, none is perfect. Market the autoresponders or list administrators is very ambiguous, some recommend you this, others recommend you that another, or that the only option remaining is to test them personally yourself and test first hand the results. The problem is that you have to go migrating your lists, or have them spread across many sites, and this is counterproductive. To today’s date as not, follow without being happy with the response and I’m still trying. Isn’t that this discontent with my current Postmaster, at all, but prefer to see other figures. My last acquisition is iContact, yesterday between the account he had created test and saw that towards 817 days had expired, so I had to hire a pack to see that such.
And there I am, conociendolo all autoresponders are different. As soon as you have an opinion it publishes My first impressions. My advice is this, do not case of nobody, try it all yourself, and especially if you’re a novice do not buy one of those scripts that you sell out there for a price ridicule because they are a real trash. The best the market autoresponder script is autoresponseplus and not I can recommend it, or to imagine the rest. History is that it I got tired of that you ask me every two three money to renew it, in theory, when the main advantage is that you pay once and not have to worry never more to pay monthly installments. I understand that the company make a major effort to keep it updated, but then you ask for a lower price and that do not sell smoke. It is my opinion.