Dirndl – Fashion Phenomenon

Dirndl – a Bavarian and Austrian dress of the today’s Dirndl, which can be seen in the Bavarian beer gardens or at the Oktoberfest, has nearly nothing to do with the traditional folk costumes. The former servant costume prevailed towards the end of the 19th century as a summer dress for ladies from the city, which spent their holidays in the country. After the end of the first world war, clothes were expensive and as the Dirndl Dress filled the gap. The traditional dirndl consists of a skirt, blouse, and the centerpiece of the Dirndl, the apron. Fashion guidelines and the respective event to the Dirndl is worn, determine the length of the skirt. In Bavaria and Austria, Dirndls are quite acceptable.

Weddings, holidays and festivals are popular occasions to go out with a Dirndl. Floor-length Dirndl for the evening are a welcome alternative to the usual wardrobe. Brocade, velvet and carefully selected accessories make the simple dress a real highlight. Dirndl are both from high-quality materials such as, for example, silk and cotton or linen woven. The dirndl is laced front, hook and eye closure keep together the bands. The white Dirndl blouse usually puff sleeves, decorated with Ruffles or embroidery. A scarf not only harmoniously round off the outfit, it keeps you warm on cool days. The apron is bound and gives a special touch to every Dirndl.

If patterns and colors allow it, the apron must be replaced any. So, different creations emerge from a Dirndl. The style of the Dirndl requires an own Dirndl jewelry. The jewelry collections are tailored to the needs of the Dirndl, but nowadays appear in a stylish design. So modern costume jewellery is suitable for everyday use and can be worn on different occasions and other clothing. Versatile, feminine and alluring, so the enthusiasm for the dress can be best described. Now, there are so many variants of Dirndl as it allows the culture. The costume pieces fit the demands of the customers. Who is not between the variety of offered Models can decide who can access still to the classic and timeless Dirndl. Wife definitely is wrong here. The appropriate footwear for the Dirndl reaches up to Schnurstiefeln of ballerinas. High hair and trendy hair pins do the rest. The dusty image has long ago left the modern costumes. The popularity of Dirndl and co”rising steadily since the 1990s. This trend is among the worldwide popularity and uniqueness of the Oktoberfest Beer Festival in Munich. So that was once so simple dress also in the hands of the fashion designer. Who today adequately wants to be dressed for a visit to Oktoberfest, which resorts to the costume. The dirndl scores in addition visiting a traditional beer garden, wear the once classic dress at least the female controls. So, the costume in everyday lives and remains present. Dirndl and leather trousers are known all over the world. Trachten-, protect – and home clubs in turn provide traditions and its unique original continuation of the old Clothing. Here is stigmatized in the foreground and passed on the interested and last but not least the youth. Admire and you can marvel at the ancient costumes every year in Munich. The clubs pull the first Wiesn Sunday solemnly in a train to the Theresienwiese Oktoberfest grounds.