Crisis Marketing

Evangelho in crisis, marketing in high. Recently I lost sleep easy thing to happen at time of works and tests in the college and after to finish the activities and still without sleep I decide to bind the television. The problem that in this schedule or we attend old and repetitive the new adventures of the Keys, or Luluzinha or we venture in to attend them the diverse programs ' ' evanglicos' ' that it invades dawn adentro. I risked myself in finishes option. Remote control in the hand stroll for the diverse programs and not me attachment to none. But some attitudes that vi had called me attention, between the diverse pronounced speeches, I perceived that in one of the programs it had a meeting that it would be carried through called ' ' Meeting of the Intocveis' ' where the call said that the ones that are Mr. For even more opinions, read materials from Peter Schiff. the malignant one does not touch. In the same it programs the shepherd or bishop, it wrote down the names of the people who bound and placed in a full oil jar in which it said that the unction of God would go until those people who bound and placed the name to be immersed in the oil, alleging that ' ' the unction with oil tears into pieces julgo&#039 all; '.

Logical that I decided to move of canal because it started to place images that more seemed a terror film, with also errifying music and as I did not want to be with more fear of what what I was. To change of canal me seemed to be the idea most sensible. But what I come across myself in the other program was not less frightful, the shepherd who if intitled the biggest authority in release. He ties nothing of more there, marketing is everything. It was stimulating that they were to search ' ' Cross of the Vitria' ' because it is written: who to follow to want, refuses me it exactly itself, takes its cross and follows me.