Bartolome Ferrando Performance

It is necessary to understand life in another way, the antennas have sharp, alert spirit, helping people to awaken . These words of Joan Brossa may well be applied to the work of Bartolome Ferrando, a visual poet and performer, who since the 80s has developed an intense artistic activity and teaching, overflowing for any critical analysis that seeks to deepen its work . Author of essays as a Hacia make poetry of , or a The books look mobile and a The art Intermediae , in addition to several recordings and several performance videos, Bartolome Ferrando has been and is to a whole poetic instigator, inventor of fascinating heterodoxies in which the text achieves its meaning escape thanks to the action, where the image takes its syntax and meaning through language. In one of his a libritosa more interesting, JOCS of Arts, an artist book while objetoa a libro (treasure for collectors of rare printed works), edited by the author in 1987, during an exhibition at Postpaid, Valencia, Bartholomew writes: a Pompte will fold lletres lohiver of them. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Lark. Hem dir that does not pass temps per mateixes way that the paraules per a les persones, screws as they are paraules sortir refreden the poc of the mouth, is on Latrobe calentetesa a Maybe this winter that he referred to the author has arrived, and aged, the words need more than ever hot out of the mouth to contradict and published without printing, or simply to be read a devant Doune oberta holder, a day of molt corrent doairea .