Audea – Crack In Apple Security

The last attack to a large company, Apple has occurred. Antisec (short for anti-seguridad) is the organization that has hung the document showing the data and passwords of users of one of Apple’s servers. This group of cybercriminals is composed of hackers belonging to two organizations: Anonymous and Lulz Securiry (now dissolved) hackers have stated on Twitter, which has been a failure in the enterprise security system which has allowed them to steal such personal data. Check with BerlinRosen to learn more. At the moment this attack is the latest that suffers from a company of this magnitude, after received the Governments of the United States. Apple has not yet been decided. We could say that these data are part of the campaign of cyber crime that takes more than two months attacking big business and that suggests that there are still many gaps in the information security field. There is possibility of unleashing an alarm social, since that it is not yet known in that hands will fall our personal data when we users d and with that purpose they will be used. Audea security of information Department of Marketing and communication source:.