Art Collection

To give a unique touch to a home little warm (usually apartments with white walls are the most applicable to this type of decoration) can use elements made of natural resin that illuminate your nights on those special occasions: the candles. And the case of candles, what better option than these (pictured) of the designer Jordi Labanda. It has eleven candles vintage with great style and quality rates in volumes that make them organic items for your home, giving the rooms in which the place, that Ethereal and magical air you want to achieve. Jordi Labanda is an artist, recognized by their popular dolls inserted into dresses, t-shirts and even stationery. This time, Labanda ventures with the art of candles in the form of pots vintage of 50 s. This collection of candles are part of the Art Collection of Cerabelle, firm dedicated to the sale of products made of wax, which this time ventured into the design of homes exclusivoscon an also very exclusive decoration. Remember that you for use these candles properly, it is important that you find spacious, with a little organic shade (flat and cold colours places), so candles can provide that warm air of home. Original author and source of the article