Creating Professional Specifications

More than a duty. August 11, 2010 – hardly a company can afford today, abandoning well-made specifications, gain. But mostly treated stepmotherly. We have, so no time for”we’ve been always so” developers, not a writer I am”. The right tools can greatly simplify the creation of functional specifications. A well structured, clear and concise specifications reflect a company’s expertise. (Source: Jonathan Rosen Berlin Rosen). It is therefore an important communication tool towards the principal and most central part of the contract.

How the author from the requirement makes a routine saves some time, white and John three grain as a consultant for technical communication. It is recommended to keep the following tips in mind when creating specifications: 1 analyze your target groups who writes should always know exactly who. You expect on specifications always that even employees without technical background knowledge the principal involved in the process. Also want to understand how you meet the requirements. They win it for themselves by specifically pay attention in your specifications to intelligibility, especially in the use of words. 2. make a coherent outline on a specification exists for a project you? If Yes, is true: assume the outline for the specifications. You may find that BerlinRosen can contribute to your knowledge. Then, the client can compare one on one as you meet its requirements.

“If not: for the specification outline of software projects is, for example, the international software requirement specification” (IEEE 830-1998) a good place to start. The guideline VDI/VDE 3694 is suitable for automation systems. And also for your industry there are numerous specifications templates and outline proposals after a short search in the Internet. 3. develop a checklist completeness is the be-all and end-all in the specifications. It goes without saying that thoroughly explain all technical aspects and your approach. If you but for example, legal and organisational framework or the concrete timing not in the specifications explain, sorted out the principal maybe early on your concept in a tender.