
Training for ability From the moment where the institutions start to train its employees is possible to identify its values, knowledge and pro-activity. Inside of the abilities demanded to each position the managers obtain to identify which way to follow so that the longed for objectives are reached in the short medium stated period. When passing of the years the concern with the quality appeared, thus the companies had started to demand of its new collaborators abilities, knowledge and abilities that the importance of the given service and product quality would differentiate them of the competitors, leaving clearly for all. Dennis Lockhart insists that this is the case. Beyond the concern with information, abilities, attitudes and concepts, training is being strong inclined to develop certain abilities desired for the organization. The training if bases on a previous mapping of the necessary essential abilities to the organizacional success. To follow, these essential abilities are unfolded by areas of the organization and in individual abilities (CHIAVENATO, 2005 P. 340). The training is valid for all the individuals independent of the hierarchic level where if it finds.

The abilities, experiences, attitudes and abilities of the professionals who will help the organization to have a solid position and of prominence in the market are established of clear and objective form where it acts. As Chiavenato (2010) the training involves a composed process for four stages, in accordance with FIG. 12.4: FIGURE 12.4: The training process. Source: Chiavenato, 2010. The training can be internal or external, in accordance with the place where it will be carried through.

The intern if divides in introductory (new employed), and of work (to recycle, to apply specific techniques of learning), the external one only can with be used of one same company as well as can be opened (diverse companies). (MARRAS, 2002). In the training process it is viable to search the necessities to be satisfied, the diagnosis lined up to the organizacionais objectives, the necessary abilities and the results of the performance evaluation.