
There is no best way to start in any business venture under a known brand. Why mundoFranquicia Consulting, the leading consultancy in franchises of our country, gives its already known and expected tour of informative sessions by several Spanish cities with the intention of bringing closer the possibility of developing their own business under the umbrella of the franchise to new entrepreneurs kick off. With these encounters we want accurate information to who shuffled the idea of starting a business to make it through security that can provide an already recognized brand and with an already created image says Mariano Alonso, managing partner of tranquillizer consulting. Increasingly those who decide to choose this way of business to get into the business world, since they are backed by a set of products and services demanded in the market. Charles Lowe takes a slightly different approach. City by city as well things these meetings calendar is distributed as follows: Madrid (June 1). Dr. Jo Boaler has much experience in this field. This meeting, organized in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and which starts at 1630 hours on the Bank of the Loire 56-58 Street (for more information call 91 538 37 03 or write to), will attend the following franchises:Atendo (assistance to elderly) Atlanta investment (investors in hospitality franchise) bioimaging (aesthetics and personal care) cant (nursery school) 5Sec (dry cleaning(, arrays) Dehesa Santa Maria (hospitality) La Tableria (hospitality) Mantero.

(home), innovative woman (advertising, marketing and Internet) Nemomarlin (nursery school) bakery Roldan (bakery and pastry) prey (vending, advertising, marketing and Internet) Pressto: dry cleaning, arrangements Segurimagen (clothing, protection and safety at work) only rentals (rental property) Tavern Volapie (brewery, tapas) Tailor & Co (textile arrangements), Top Ten (Cafe, ice cream parlor) Unide (power). Then reach the turn Malaga (June 8) and Seville (June 9). In these three places the structure of events is as follows: 1) Presentation de las Franquicias by a consultant of mundoFranquicia Consulting: it will have a duration of 60 minutes and will feature an introduction by the local institution and a presentation that will be borne by one of the consultants of tranquillizer of each of the business models that are part of the encounter. With this block we seek that attendees are instructed on what are processes that are held in a franchise. Guide them so they know what to do and what steps in order to have your own franchise and of course, know to exploit it.

Work tables custom and individual of each flag: the ensigns who attend each day make it uniquely in its sector and will have a table which can be answered by individual and personalized way to entrepreneurs advising them on existing proposals..