World Conference

The purpose of President Bush to convene a World Conference on climate change could be positive, but also constitute, as so many other commissions, panels, etc., which are currently spreading at local and global, a way to postpone making decisions, which is what really matters to humanity. No more delays. No more reports. No more meetings to agree on what is already agreed for years. Diagnostics are already made. And well-made. The merit greater corresponds to United Nations, which, despite their marginalization by the great powers, has left in the Decade of the nineties and up to today excellent proposals for action, including the Millennium development goals.

Why, when new conferences on what was already agreed, summon when postponed their implementation, when you hide the lack of political will in carrying out new studies, the international community should oppose these maneuvers and claim the Governments fulfilling their responsibilities, on especially when they can reach points of no return. See Attorney General for more details and insights. It is the ethic of the time. Duty to act prior to reaching a situation without reversing. It is necessary to build the capacity of anticipation, anticipation, of action. It is not just know the proper treatment but apply it in a timely manner. Act in time to extracting lessons from the past, knowing at all times that the past can and should be described as faithfully as possible, but knowing that it is already written. What Yes should write with total freedom is the future, and the present.

Have permanent memory of the future, knowing distinguish the important from the urgent and appropriate institutions to address the great challenges of our time. Citizens should be active and never more submissive spectators who contemplate passively and even with indifference what happens in your environment. It is time for action, if not simple recipients of information, but actors who participate, each in its field, bearing in mind the maxim of Burke: nobody makes a greater mistake that who does nothing because he thinks that could only do very little.