Video Courses In Training Of Personnel

Apply video courses in corporate training staff were not so long ago. The first Russian video courses began to emerge in the late nineties. Today, video courses have already proved themselves as modern, dynamic and A convenient form of training. At the same time, the videos, as well as other training methods have their pros and cons. Pros educational opportunities videokursovNeogranichennye self-study and frequent repetition of material (as for individual lessons, and in a group).

Any employee may at any time to take a video course and to study the subject, watching an educational film, and following the proposed savings instruktsiyam.Sereznaya training budget: buying video course once, the company can train an unlimited number of sotrudnikov.Obuchenie can be done at your own pace, in a convenient location and comfortable vremya.Videokursy not allow Only full-time, but distance learning staff. In this way can be significantly reduced travel costs are reduced sotrudnikov.Suschestvenno qualifications for a coach or teacher: videokurs is a complete textbook. Conduct training with the help of man can not obladayuschity special training. Restrictions on training with videokursovVideokursy not take into account differences in training, education levels and individual needs of participants obucheniya.Passivnost participants learning. When viewing it is impossible to ask the teacher. It is possible, of course, to organize discussion of the material.

But it requires some management skills to think and organize gruppoy.Neobhodimo control system of knowledge. People such as David Moross, HighPost Capital would likely agree. Otherwise, a very high probability of delays in the process of learning. A in the absence of external control training can "get down on the brakes." Despite its shortcomings, videos have already occupied an important position in corporate training. And, apparently, their use will expand.