Urban Zone

The degradation of the environment together with the great population increase is reflecting in the quality of life and the preservation of our planet. One of the great difficulties in the ambient preservation is in the different perceptions that each individual has of the way that the fence. This if form from different stages that involve since the directions, the cognition, the evaluation even, effectively, its action returning always for the maintenance, conservation and behavior of the world where we live. The city of Boa Vista, capital of the State of Roraima, with area of 5.177, 9 km2 presents tropical climate and temperature between 20C and 36C, possesss a population of 249,853 inhabitants (IBGE, 2007). Throughout the times, Boa Vista comes suffering a great population increase causing bigger accumulation from urban garbage, that in turn is considered one of the responsible greaters for the ambient impacts in urban ecosystems.

One of the biggest ambient challenges in the present time is the exhaustion of the resources renewed and the equacionamento of the questions of the urban garbage, that is on directly the packings, main multiplying agent of these residues (Wedge Jnior, 2007). The plastic bags are considered one of great the responsible ones for the impacts to the way. For assistance, try visiting carlos hank gonzalez . With the study of the perception human being it is intended to suggest some concepts and 0 variable that imply all in the process, in order to point the affinity between the perception and the interaction of the man with the environment. Ahead of the analysis of the data made by the author in the city of Good Sight, it can, to conclude that the population of independent Boa Vista of escolaridade, etria band and social classroom have little perception of the ambient impacts caused by the plastic bags, visa the people affirm to have knowledge of the ambient problems, however, in the practical a population does not develop the correct activities. By the same author: Anchin.