The UniProfiRente

Product internal were not taken into account shifts the vendors or investors. The UniProfiRente was an equity Fund quota accepted by 100%. How are the high end performance to explain differences? Who understands the yield differentials, which compares the deposited equity Riester providers, also why the flow provided by the suppliers so can vary greatly. The average performance of the best five Fund of EBase Riester ForderRente flex was for example, 5.54% per year over the last five years. (Refer to the returns of the Fund the detailed comparison of Riester Fund at pages 22-23.) The average performance of the UniGlobal at the UniProfiRente amounted to 1.86% per year over the last five years compared. The average performance of the best five Fund at the DWS TopRente amounted to 4.97% per year over the last five years. The average of the best five Fund at the DWS RiesterRente premium performance amounted to 5.53% per year over the last five years. Whereas the average performance of the best five funds at Allianz Riester pension Alpha balance in the last five years was 18,12% per year.

The return on the deposited equity among different providers of Riester differences, that the procedure benefits of the provider to vary greatly. Already, Albert Einstein attributed such differences in the trace output to the factors of time and compound interest. Einstein called this interaction as the eighth wonder of the world. The effect of compound interest works miracles over time, because he has a strong leverage effect. For others, it sounds unbelievable. However, this comparison is the proof that it is true. The Riester product has only funds with a below-average performance, so not much more than the contributions can come out even at the end as an end. The funds belong to the best in the world, the trace performance of based Riester pension is world class.