The Bloodstream

It should be borne in mind that along with the stem cells that, when damaged tissues of the body migrate to the area damage, divide and differentiate to form at this point a new fabric, there is a central "warehouse of spare parts – bone marrow stem cells. These cells are universal, they are able to enter the bloodstream in damaged organ or tissue, and in place under the influence of different signal (chemical) substances give rise to the desired specialized cells that replace dead. In particular, it was found that the introduction of stem cells bone marrow in the area of heart muscle damage (infarct zone) eliminates the effects of postinfarction heart failure. Home Depot understood the implications. For example, stem cells, administering to the patient with a heart attack, after eight weeks of fully degenerate into cardiac muscle cells, restoring its functional properties. Results of the treatment of myocardial impressive 90% of the stem (stromal) cells in bone marrow, enter in the heart, transformed in cardiac muscle cells. Such cell therapy is very promising for the restoration of the heart muscle after a heart attack, because it uses its own stem cells. They have not rejected – in addition, the introduction of adult stem cells is a possibility of malignant transformation. Therefore, human bone marrow can be used as a source of stem cells to repair damaged tissue in brain. It is also possible the transformation of these cells in the liver, kidney, pancreas cells to synthesize insulin, which can be used to treat diabetes.