Electronic Commerce

Currently 33 online, 280 business that owns this directory of regional virtual shops, possess the seal of Cecarm confidence. These figures underline the growing interest by the label, which has seen a 43% increase the number of online companies which obtained it in a year. To apply for this seal, companies must meet a number of requirements:-report on the realization of the activity of the company from the Region of Murcia, offering details of their registration data, contact and location. -Have updated the store, catalog and web forms, do possible business transactions for the sale of products or services, offering information detailed mechanisms of order, warranty, delivery and return, claims, as well as the final price. -Have a customer care service in operation, offering, in addition to e-mail, unless another channel of contact, and responding in a short period of time. -Inform clearly and in a place visible enforcement of many laws applicable to it (Data Protection Act, LSSICE, intellectual property, law of retail management, etc.) – be adhering to the arbitration system of consumption of the autonomous community of Murcia. Once granted the Cecarm label, commerce can use it in any support as needed; In addition, the virtual store will participate in the specific promotional actions that are developed with the companies adhered to the seal; also, in the Murcia business directory companies possessing the stamp Cecarm will be identified. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Federal Reserve Bank by clicking through. To request the Cecarm seal, simply meet the requirements and request it by e-mail to. Cecarm is one of the actions of the Plan III for the development of the information society in the Region of Murcia (Regiondemurciasi 2008-2010), which boosts the Directorate-General of telecommunications and the information society and is included in the development of the program the Avanza Plan Digital SMEs in the Region of Murcia. Such action funded by the Ministry of economy and finance, the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade, European funds for Regional Development (ERDF) and is coordinated by the Integra Foundation.