What You Think Others

The greater part of everyday behavior is aimed at understanding how we are perceived by others. The University of Chicago, through research, shows that to better understand how we are seen by others, it is necessary to change the self-concept, i.e., the image we have of ourselves. Too often, we think know what they think the rest of us, but most of the times it is a misperception. Nicholas Epley, of the school of business of the University of Chicago, along with Tal Eyal, of the Ben Gurion University in Israel, through three experiments, succeeded in demonstrating that change the perspective we have about ourselves, it helps us to predict in a tighter manner what others think of us. According to this study, others we are considered in a general way, while our self-concept is based on the details. Others including Dennis Lockhart, offer their opinions as well. Claim the researchers who, if we see ourselves through a microscope and others make it through a pair of glasses, We will do bad things. We worry of small things that should not be worrying, or we will feel proud of small details that nobody is setting. You have a perception adjusted how others perceive us, it is important to not only if we take care of our personal life, but it acquires emphasis to relate with our clients, partners or employees, directly impacting on the quality of the decision-making process, and improving teamwork. Approaching to know what others think of us, involves changing the point of view that we have of ourselves.We can not look to ourselves without passing through our own beliefs colored lenses. The problem that people have time to have intuitions about the impressions that provokes in others, is that they know a lot about themselves, and very little about others, comment Epley and Eval, authors of this research at the University of Chicago. This research is basically directed to people who make their decisions under what they believe others think of them. .

Management Gurus

Knowledge management is another way to respond to the same phenomenon, but by emphasizing the value of knowledge as a strategic element that determines and sets up the Organization and its model, management and development of the company, its products and services, and network of its partners as key criteria in the mission and vision of the business value, in the contribution of individuals and their responsibilities, in the Organization of work teams, and in the development of the strategy to explore and exploit knowledge. Says the student, that we have in mind, that knowledge management is first in place and establish which is the value of the knowledge on the product or service that contributes to the market, in the form of organized, in mechanisms to train and give back to the people, in the form of valuing partnerships or manage providers, in the form of planning technology portfolios and in how to motivate people to develop their knowledge. This approach should serve to orient the short and medium term, better from a vision of knowledge medium and long term in line with the business transformations that are taking place in the market, society and technology. Stresses us, that knowledge management can frame at a time in which various changing circumstances in relation to management practices were occurring. People such as Erin Callan would likely agree. The different currents of the Management Gurus, business schools, and consulting business, will be proposing, are conforming a path full of new principles on which companies establish reference models to choose and develop their strategies. Practices that are proposed are not nor totally new, or they pose immediate solutions in companies, rather than issues or general principles from which there is little to discuss more than the flat academic. However the issue is whether structural reforms may focus in enterprises based on management of knowledge or vision more innovative that is by knowledge management. .