
The thing most difficult for the man is to deal with the emotions, mainly when we speak of shyness. The shyness is the valve of escape of any negative emotion. It makes little time that I understood that the only thing that hinders somebody to have success it is the shyness. When a man if delivers to this feeling it does not speak with the women who it REALLY desires. It does not risk itself to make a new friend. He does not make nothing.

It simply believes that it is one shy face, that cannot change who it is and if it sees alone. before it perceives, these feelings of penalty and solitude if transform into depression. everything this why it is shy. Then, why this happens? Why some men are so shy? First, he understands that SHYNESS is a behavior not an invariant characteristic. We go to say that you saw a girl who liked and want to speak with it. But, before you going some images they start to appear in its mind You see it rejecting you. You see it laughing at you.

You if it sees sad and sorry of saying the thing missed for it. I go to be sincere with you: Yes, these possibilities exist, but, have as much possibility to happen, how much of you to earn in the lottery. Any thing can happen. our shyness is our system of defense that tries protecting in them of ' ' mal' ' to go to speak with a woman. The problem is that if you not to run the risk of if giving, you badly also never go to know the good things that they can happen! The dictionary says something as: shyness is the fear of being judged hardly. Somebody that does not want to be judged badly by the others. Daqui some days I control the part 2.Atenciosamente,