Rylton Marcus Alves

It writes Sergio Buarque of Holland (apud ALMEIDA, 2009, p.47) that ‘ ‘ the end of the slavery in Brazil would have represented the ending of a long stage of our history (…) but for the Africans and its descendants, the fight for recognition and equality, he would only be comeando.’ ‘ In the community Pricked Village, city of Esperidio/MT Port., we perceive the possibility of such commentary to possess text of truth, supported in you say of two social actors afro-Brazilians to them, during an interview for scientific article. A priori, D.O registered its experiences affirming that racism still is one practical gift in the region of the Port Esperidio, more necessarily in the community Village Picada and Bocaival.

In this last one, it declared that it participated of a course for the baptism in a church; when it was in the line to be baptized, such institution convoked a person of white color that was soon behind, ‘ ‘ pulando’ ‘ its time. It also declared that in the education already it suffered discrimination on the part from some professors to the voluntary being as cook in a pertaining to school event. Another aspect raised for D.O if relates to the form as it tries to surpass the preconception: it tells that ‘ ‘ not liga’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ it makes of account that not ouviu’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ it turns the coasts and it goes embora’ ‘ , and other strategies ‘ ‘ mascaradas’ ‘. It strengthens that the racial preconception will not leave to exist.. Source: Peiter Zatko. o reply.