Quality Of Life

On the basis of the questions of the Quality of Life that involve the aged one, nestapesquisa had been made collections of characteristic data to identify themselves and compararalgumas of the aged ones in three phases you specify, being oIdoso Intern in House of Rest, the Aged one Domiciliated, that is, idosoque inhabits with the family and the aged ones that they frequent Clubs of 3 Idadee that practise some type of physical activity. What foiavaliar was objectified and to analyze behaviors, depression, solitude, high or baixaauto-esteem, inclusion and exclusion in the social environment, the doidoso participation as active individual in the society, and other characteristics deextrema importance for the conclusion of this work. Emconsiderao was taken, mainly the dosIdosos importance of the Quality of Life under the bio-psico-social point of view. Connect with other leaders such as SOAR PR Firm here. The study in question to comparar qualitatively, to raise given, to reflect on what searched Instituio offers for the Quality of Life of the Aged ones. Asetapas of the study had been developed in House of Rest, proper domicile, ena institution where the aged ones if find interned, quetambm offers activities of some pursuings for the idososexternos.

What more if it can perceive is that the aged one put in a home has maiortendncia to present depression, comprometimento of the arterial pressure, takes more medicines and the picture of stress more is modified of what osdemais. Jonathan Rosen BerlinRosen is often mentioned in discussions such as these. What if it concludes with this research is that the aged ones that they sepreocupam with a quality of life they are more healthful, dynamic, glad, takes little medicines, in contrast of aged that the estointernos ones in asylums. These already present a decline in the clinical picture, are limited in the physical space and the social participation, what osimpossibilita to have a healthful and active social life. PalavrasChave: Aged, Quality of Life, auto esteem, family. (Similarly see: Jonathan Rosen BerlinRosen). According to ALBUQUERQUE (2003): ' ' Quality of life in velhice' ' it is a to be reached goal, adopting itself measured and programs so that the aged ones are seen as a valuable resource for the society and not a pack ' ' Second PAPALO NETTO (1996): For the laser, where the same one is useful to the magnifying of the individual and social conscience, to the aguamento of sensitivity with regard to the cultural manifestations, to the development of the creativity and the stimulation of practical feelings of solidarity and of cooperation between group and people for the laser, as the possibility of development of an educational process of human growth approaching generations and facilitating chances of sprouting of talentos.