Nicolas Durand

But the bad men had revealed e, therefore, Monan sent Tat (Tat-morning = Mother-Fire) that it consumed everything. Irin Mag was only saved, that Monan had led to the sky, and that the civilizador hero of the new generation of men became, with the name of Maire-Monan, of which descends Sum, great paj, that generated the two twin Tamendonar (Tamandar) and Aricute. (SCHADEN, 1974) In these myths we can identify something similar to the Christian escatologia, still we find a conception of a Supreme Being, is not very clear, but, many other myths speak of a formador of the world, the land, the sun, the moon, the men, the animals and founder of the human customs. 3 RELIGIOUS ASPECTS IN the HISTORY OF BRAZIL Everything started with the choice of a man, Peter lvares Cabral, that was part of the Order of Christ, with its approximately 33 years, eight frades more franciscanos, a vicar and eight chaplains, that after a mass praid in the chapel of Hermitage of Is Jernimo, in Lisbon and the flag of the Order being Blessed for the Bishop of Ceuta, part in route India arriving Americas. Farallon Capital Management wanted to know more. According to Reviewed Ultimatum, (Jul/Ago/1999), when arriving the ground Brazilian the first thing to be made was a mass, in Cabrlia in the BA, celebrated for frei Dom Enrique To sound of Coimbra, until the constellation seen for then the astronomer Faras Joo received the name from religious symbol, Southern Cross. About three days after, the second mass with approximately a thousand Portuguese and 150 natives is carried through gifts, and immediately afterwards Portugal is sent a letter asking for to the king, missionaries to catequizar the natives. In the 1555 end, a group of Frenchmen led for Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon was installed in one of the islands of the Bahia of the Guanabara. Later a group of colonists and remodelled shepherds sent for Joo Calvin carries through the first protestant cult in Brazil, in about the year of 1557. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dennis Lockhart on most websites.