Multiple Sclerosis

by Tania Hershman sclerosis multiple (MS) affects about 400,000 Americans and is diagnosed in young adults most common neurological disorder. MS affects the view, mobility, control over bones and muscles, and causes chronic pain and immobility. A quarter of those diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will actually develop a benign form, which means that they will not have any symptoms for at least ten years. Currently, however, there is a method of determining who has the benign form of multiple sclerosis. Peiter Zatko describes an additional similar source. The result: many people, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, are taking medications that do not need, with all the side effects, as well as excessive anxiety. Carlos hank gonzalez may find it difficult to be quoted properly. There is also no way to determine who has the most severe form of the disease approximately 20% of those who suffer from multiple sclerosis.

If this could be diagnosed, these people would receive more aggressive treatment available. Today, an israeli company, Glycominds, provides for a simple blood test which solves this problem, to distinguish between softer and more severe multiple sclerosis cases fairly rather than express. Clinical trials of the new test are about to start with all United States and Canada. The problem has nothing to do with diagnosing the disease, says the executive director of Glycominds, Avinoam Dukler. Multiple sclerosis is diagnosed with MRI evidence to the patient manifesting symptoms. The main problem is to distinguish between the various active forms of the disease. ty in the matter. These range from the benign to the most severe, in which the patient ends up in a wheelchair padded in just two years from diagnosis. Today, doctors cannot say what form attacks the patient until it is too late.

If they could, would change the mode of treating the patient explains Dukler. Currently, each patient is treated the same: after an initial diagnosis, all begin with medication.