Market Cultures

Zeneca currently is the fifth seed company in the world, with an annual sale of the order of the 437 million dollars in 1997. It is also a major chemicals to crops and drugs company. The exterminator worm is a broader and more powerful terminator technology from Monsanto, variant since Zeneca can choose between selling seeds for replanting or actuate the killer gene through the application of chemical products are useless. A biological warfare against mankind. The main objective of the Exterminadora technology is to provide a technological platform (or Trojan horse) which, through patents, serve as you a catapult to their genes with impunity. The peasants and farmers lose their right to they have since 12,000 years ago to save the seed, which is a biological warfare. Conservation and Exchange are the primary source of seeds up to 1,400 million poor farmers in the third world.

The threat to these farmers, food security and the biodervisidad is real, considering that the Department of agriculture and Delta & Pine Land United States requested the grant of the patent in dozens of countries of the South, from Madagascar to Mali, from Brazil to Benin, from China to Viet Nam. If the terminator technology obtains a broad license, Monsanto’s seize mainly crops of self-pollination as wheat, rice, cotton, soybeans, oats and sorghum. Two agricultural products more important worldwide (rice and wheat), staple food for 75% of the world’s poor, could become private monopoly. Wheat is the agricultural product grown in the world and in 1995 covered 219 million hectares harvested, while the rice is planted in the same year 149 million hectares and had the most high total, with 542 million tons production. 50% Of crops in the third world with saved seeds from the previous harvest, they were the majority of farmers reuse their seeds and return to the commercial market every 4 or 5 years.