Literary Creativity Of Scientists

And today wardroom has retained its importance. I had to fly on commercial and research vessels. I often think of the hours spent at the table mess, and the stories you hear out there. I must say that the soul mess – usually the captain. It determines the mood of the conversation Mr. stroke.

Ably supporting and directing it, not dominating it, a good captain turns when changing watches, and it was confined to it for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the pleasant hours total collection commanders. But if the captain is dry, irritable, neobschitelen, the same clock can be turned into a curse. Even the guest, as I have, in such a mess uncomfortable. But in the voyage, which I want you tell me luck. Captain Nikolai F.

really was the soul of the ward-room "Storm", a research vessel Hydrometeorological Service. Himself a great storyteller, he was also a good listener, which is Navy, I must say, still a rarity. On research vessels in the lounge there are not only co-drivers and mechanics, but the whole science of the expedition. Therefore, the main table, except the captain, senior and first assistant, chief mechanic, head of the expedition had dinner and the heads of troops. For side tables – Mate's assistant, doctor, head of radio and researchers. The conversation in the wardroom general, participate in and sitting at the side tables. Learn more at this site: Lark . I am a person especially land, even a few flaunt it, sometimes asking idiotic from the perspective of a sailor issues.